Tuesday, March 3, 2009

... And I'm Feelin' Good!

(look at one of the videos on the right for the reference - love that song!)

It's day three of the "healthy living plan" that I'm determined to follow for the next three months (it's all in prep for the marathon - I need as much help as I can get).

A sneak glance was seen in one of the meeting "notes" I posted.

Here's a quick rundown:

running 3x/wk (Sat - distance runs - non-negotiable)
pilates/yoga 3x/wk (and on mw if running doesn't happen)
no candy
desserts - twice a week MAX
follow eat to live better (fruits and vegetables)
8 hours of sleep a night
no elevator, only stairs (pretty good at this, but sometimes I feel lazy...)

So far (keep in mind, I'm two and a half days into this) I'm feeling great. Really, really great. I noticed a difference on Monday but wasn't sure if it was just in my head or not. I don't think it is. My body is just feeling better because of what I'm doing and not doing. I love it. I didn't get 8 hours of sleep on Sunday (having a friend over for dinner kind of made it a late night) so I didn't wake up early Monday (I prefer exercising in the morning if possible) but I did exercise shortly after getting home from work. I didn't really feel like running, so I did the biggest loser boot camp dvd. Just the first level. Yeah... I was feeling it.

Yesterday morning I woke up early and did yoga.

This morning I woke up early and ran just under two miles (big news from the run - my foot didn't hurt at all!!!).

Monday and Tuesday I have gotten to bed early enough to get 8 hours of sleep even waking up early. It's fantastic.


faith said...

that's great! and congratulations on your foot not hurting. that's really wonderful.

Deja said...

I love it when foots don't hurt!

And congrats on the goals. No wonder you're feeling good.

kathy w. said...

Mmm. The avocados and tomatoes on that salad are making me hungry for food that's good for me.