I was walking home from some friends' place with my roommate. It had been raining on and off for a lot of the afternoon and got harder in the evening. While walking there we had tried to avoid the puddles. I was barefoot (wearing flip flops earlier that kept slipping off my feet, I changed into slippers and somehow thought that it was a good idea. i ended up carrying them with me for most the way there, and all the way back because they got soggy pretty quickly.), and wearing an ankle-length skirt that I was trying to keep off the ground. When leaving their house, I walked right into a deep puddle. Figuring the damage was already done, I started jumping up and down. Esther tried to avoid it at first, but the fun was just too addicting. By the time we got home, we were both soaked. We had some good times kicking water at each other and jumping up and down in the puddles. My skirt was dripping water from it's hem, as was my hair onto my neck.
But, friends, it was so much fun! We decided it was a great way to start the week. It completely cleared my mind of last week's unpleasantness, and helped me relax. I recommend to anyone reading this that at the next opportunity, you jump in the puddles. Don't think about the soaking wet clothing, or the possible run-ins with mud, just grab a friend and enjoy the rain!
ps, obviously I'm not the subject of the picture, but I figured it was a similar enough with him being in a suit, and me being in my Sunday clothes...