On Saturday morning I ran a 6k with Katie. Having never run a 6k (because it's not a typical distance for a race), we knew that no matter our finishing time, we'd be setting prs for ourselves.
Katie pinning on her first ever racing bib.

Katie and me before the race.

Katie and me during the race.

Katie and me after the race.

It was a woman-only race, which I've never done before. We ended up coming in at 46:19:09 and 46:20:01, averaging a little quicker than 12 and a half minute miles.
My major accomplishment - I ran the whole way. I've never done that before. It was fabulous and I felt amazing. Weighing in at about 15 lbs lighter than when I ran my half and closer yo 20 lbs lighter than when I ran my full was wonderful too.
WW tally - 28.6 lbs gone... and counting...