Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Learning to Deal... Blast it!

There's good news... and there's bad news... which do you want to hear first? They're actually very closely-related, so maybe it doesn't matter that much.

The good news is that my hip hasn't been locked for almost two weeks! Yay for that! For the last... years... my hip has hurt when I walk, and it's been worse when I run. I just figured that's how it was going to be for...ever. At the encouragement of my sister-in-law (thanks, Jen!) I finally went in to see a physical therapist. Since I thought nothing could be done, I wasn't in a rush to go in. First visit, he told me my hip had been locked (the joint just wasn't in the position it needed to be in to move smoothly) and unlocked it for me. When I left the office, for the first time in almost as long as I could remember, I walked without pain. It was incredible!

I've been going to the physical therapist about three times a week for the last month or so. Last week he told me I was unlocked and I could (finally) start running. Slowly. First 1/4 mile, then 1/2, then a full, then come back and we'd talk. I went running, then went to see him yesterday. He knew I had been entered in the St. George Marathon and I was hoping to be training for that, but "healing the hip" took priority. He wants me to add 1/4 mile to my run every other day, with a good rest during the day off.

Now for the bad news... the marathon is off. At least for me. I was really excited for this because it was to be my first marathon, and I was going to be running it with my sister and her husband (their first marathon too).

Anyway, that's what I'm trying to learn to deal with. So, definitely not "yay" for that. But, yay for me being able to run a 10k on Oct. 18 (a mud run that multiple members of my family are signed up for!) and maybe running a half-marathon in November that I should be able to train for just fine.

So, I guess it's good news that my hip is better and I'm actually being smart about this injury and trying to take care of it so it will just keep getting better.

And... I suppose that when I'm finally ready for 26.2 miles... somewhere, there will be a marathon that I can sign up for. (hey, I'm trying to be positive)


Unknown said...

Every time my hip hurts, I think of you! Remember when we got hit by a car freshman year and became gimps? A definite "yay" for those pain free days, eh? Have fun running in Oct. You'll do great!!

faith said...

glad your hip is doing better, but sorry the marathon isn't going to work out. you'll definitely do it some time, though. and it will be so much better because you won't hurt. yay for feeling better!

eden said...

cathy! i still use the key chain you gave me after we were hit. do you remember the one? "if you don't like the way i drive... stay off the sidewalk!" whenever people comment on it, i tell them our story. i remember gimping around the quad at school with stef merkt laughing at us. yay for fun memories even if they are painful!

Caitlin said...

why didn't you tell me you had a blog????

Bryson and Tara said...

I'm sorry you've been in so much pain for awhile, but that's great that it's getting better! I hope it continues to be that way... Take care, friend!