Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Marathon Recap

Other highlights of the day include, but are not limited to:
Crossing the finish line!
I decided I had to run across the finish line. Unless I'm walking the whole race, I have to run across the finish line. I was walking for a lot of the last half mile (finish line in sight) and decided to start running with about .1 to go. I decided about 15 feet into that last "run" that I had started too early. I was able to keep going and even sped up at the end. Though I was still extremely slow.
Talking to Suzanne
Bethany had a few friends from church that were running it too. Suzanne and I ran together for almost all of the first 20 miles. At about 19.5 I sped up a little bit. I don't think I finished much faster than she did, but she was having problems with her foot. No fun.
The Multiple Fire Hydrants They Had Open
Fairly often throughout the race they'd have firemen at a hydrant which had been opened up to spray onto the road. I think I hit every single one of them. It felt heavenly. There were also a few people in front of their homes offering drinks or candy or something. It was so nice! There was a man outside on his lawn spraying his hose into the street. We thanked him for it and he mentioned his water bill... but he was still willing to do it. I definitely appreciated it!
Trying to Pay a Bike Cop to Give me a Ride to the Finish Line
There were a few of them here and there along the race and while passing a small group of them I asked one if they could ride me to the finish. They were willing... but unable. Sad. I later tried to just buy someones bike. That didn't work either.
Taking 8 Ibuprofen
I took four before the race started and four more about halfway through. Either ibuprofen doesn't work for me or my pain was just that much worse than it could cover. I was in pain almost the whole 26.2 miles. Good times.
Going Straight From the Race to the Airport
The worst part of this was not being able to take care of the five blisters I had developed while running. Walking through both airports was pretty painful. I told my mom that she should allow for "hobbling" time when coming to pick me up. No need to be right on time when I'm walking that slowly.
The Great Treatment at the Security Check
I hate the security check at airports. That's the most anxiety-producing part of flying for me. I don't know what I'm really worried about, but nonetheless, I get worried. After arriving, I went into the restroom, changed clothes, washed up a bit, got more comfortable and presentable (put on my marathon t-shirt so everyone would know why I looked as pathetic as I did) and headed to security. While getting things ready, one of the guards came up to help me get things sorted out and started asking me about the marathon. He was helpful all the way through. Right after getting through, when I was putting my things back together, a guard from the other line came over to help and talked to me about the marathon. It was the most stress-free time I've had at a checkpoint. I loved it.
The Great Treatment on the Plane
While waiting in line to get back to my seat, the flight attended commented on my shirt asking how I was doing. I admitted I was absolutely exhausted, then hobbled back to my seat. When he was going through with the beverage cart I declined a drink pointing to my half-full water bottle. He offered ice, I said "no thanks." He offered peanuts and before I could say "no thanks" again, he quickly added, "Peanuts are legumes and have protein and you need protein after running a marathon." With a sales-pitch like that, I couldn't say no. So I said "thanks." Then he says, "I think someone who just ran a marathon deserves two bags." Nice. I only ate one.
Turns out he is training for the Provo River Trail half that's coming up in August (I think).
Overall, it was a great and amazing experience. I got slightly emotional right after crossing the finish line thinking, "I just finished a marathon!"
Thanks for all the well-wishes and congratulations!
Follow-Up After the Marathon:
I used the elevator when I got to work on Tuesday morning. Since then, it's been nothing but the stairs. I knew Dingo would get me outside on walks and, while painful, it was really helpful. Tuesday I only went a mile and it took me 40 minutes. Yesterday we went two miles, and though my muscles felt better, I was still dealing with blistered feet and now raw skin where the blisters have come off my toes. Downstairs is still harder than upstairs (not exactly sure why - I know it has something to do with how the muscles are used...) but overall I'm amazed with how well I'm moving around.
I did it!
It's all good.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Git 'er Done
I finished in barely under 7 hours. 6:59:44. I was hoping to finish in less than six, but considering that I wasn't able to run for the last two months because of injuries, I'm feeling pretty good about it.
More of an update and a few stories to come. I just wanted to check in to let you know I'm alive!
Very, very sore.
With blisters on both feet.
But yes, I'm already thinking that I would do it again.
And maybe I actually will.
... eventually.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Marathon Anticipation
Because I follow a walk / run thing, I think I'll be able to make it just fine. That is, I'm planning on making it. The only other alternative is to drop out and I'm not so cool with that idea.
Just for fun, there's a tracking thing here that you can use to follow any runner and get updates on their race. I just filled one out so I can follow Bethany - that way I'll know just how far ahead of me she is.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Another Birthday

It's my oldest brother's birthday today. I'm not sure how old he is. I'm not very good at remembering years. I think maybe 33? 34? Either way... Happy Birthday!!!
For a post about him... it's going to be more of a narrative. Growing up, because he was "so much" older than I was, I feel like I didn't really know him. Our lives were always at different stages.
For the past few years, we've kind of leveled off. We're both adults, albeit adults in different stages. He's had a career and a family for a while now... I'm still single going back to get a Master's degree. I've been able to visit him and his family a few times and have loved each visit. While he's often had to be at school or work, we've had some time in the evenings with lively discussions.
Because he went to law school in New York, it gave me a reason to go visit Manhattan. He and Sara were great about letting me come for a week and showing me things in the city. The first Broadway show I saw was with them and it was 42nd Street (I think that's what it was called, and maybe it was "off-Broadway"... I can't remember). It was a really neat experience. They taught me how to ride the subway and buses to get where I needed to go, and Sara dropped me off at the Metropolitan Museum (amazing!!!) to leisurely browse my way through, and then gave me a map and cell phone showing me how to get home. If I hadn't gotten lost in the medieval armor section, and completely confused when trying to find the way out of the museum when I was "finished" (is it possible to feel finished with the Met???) I probably would have enjoyed it a little bit more.
I've also been able to enjoy Phoenix a couple of times and have loved being able to spend time with him and his family.
Adam's been a great person to go to when I need advice or just another few ideas for which direction my life should take. He also recognizes that while he's giving me advice I may or may not take it. But I'm very comfortable talking through different things with him.
I also want to say that he is a very gifted writer. He'll occasionally write for some kind of law journal (?) - okay, I'm not exactly sure what it is, but he copies us on it and I really enjoy reading them.
Also, he's a great example of a husband / father putting great importance on spending time with his family. He's a busy lawyer, but takes time to coach for different teams that his kids are on, and just seems to be very good at spending time with them in general. I've admired that in him and know that it's important to him to do that.
This maybe isn't a very exciting or fun "tribute," but I really just want to say, Happy Birthday Adam!!! I'm excited to see you all soon!
Monday, May 18, 2009
I Just Saw Something That Reminded Me of This...
I thought I'd share.
I knew there was a reason I loved old movies!
In contrast to the ideals, opinions and feelings of today's "Hollywonk" the real actors of yesteryear loved the United States.
They had both class and integrity. With the advent of World War many of our actors went to fight rather than stand and rant against this country we all love.
They gave up their wealth, position and fame to become service men & women, many as simple "enlisted men".
This page lists but a few, but from this group of only 18 men came over 70 medals in honor of their valor, spanning from Bronze Stars, Silver Stars, Distinguish Service Cross', Purple Hearts and one Congressional Medal of Honor.
Real Hollywood Heroes
Alec Guinness (Star Wars) operated a British Royal Navy landing craft on D-Day.
James Doohan ("Scotty" on Star Trek) landed in Normandy with the U. S. Army on D-Day.
Donald Pleasance (The Great Escape) really was an R. A. F. pilot who was shot down, held prisoner and tortured by the Germans.
David Niven was a Sandhurst graduate and Lt. Colonel of the British Commandos in Normandy.
James Stewart Entered the Army Air Force as a private and worked his way to the rank of Colonel.
During World War II, Stewart served as a bomber pilot, his service record crediting him with leading more than 20 missions over Germany, and taking part in hundreds of air strikes during his tour of duty.
Stewart earned the Air Medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, France's Croix de Guerre, and 7 Battle Stars during World War II.
In peace time, Stewart continued to be an active member of the Air Force as a reservist, reaching the rank of Brigadier General before retiring in the late 1950s.
Clark Gable (Mega-Movie Star when war broke out) Although he was beyond the draft age at the time the U.S. entered WW II,
Clark Gable enlisted as a private in the AAF on Aug. 12, 1942 at Los Angeles.
He attended the Officers' CandidateSchool at Miami Beach, Fla. and graduated as a second lieutenant on Oct. 28, 1942.
He then attended aerial gunnery school and in Feb. 1943 he was assigned to the 351st Bomb Group at Polebrook where flew operational missions over Europe in B-17s.
Capt. Gable returned to the U.S. in Oct. 1943 and was relieved from active duty as a major on Jun. 12, 1944 at his own request, since he was over-age for combat.
Charlton Heston was an Army Air Corps Sergeant in Kodiak.
Earnest Borgnine was a U. S. Navy Gunners Mate 1935-1945.
Charles Durning was a U. S. Army Ranger at Normandy earning a Silver Star and awarded the Purple Heart.
Charles Bronson was a tail gunner in the Army Air Corps, more specifically on B-29s in the 20th Air Force out of Guam, Tinian, and Saipan
George C. Scott was a decorated U. S. Marine.
Eddie Albert (Green Acres TV) was awarded a Bronze Star for his heroic action as a U. S. Naval officer aiding Marines at the horrific battle on the island of Tarawa in the Pacific Nov. 1943.
Brian Keith served as a U.S. Marine rear gunner in several actions against the Japanese on Rabal in the Pacific.
Lee Marvin was a U.S. Marine on Saipan during the Marianas campaign when he was wounded earning the Purple Heart.
John Russell: In 1942, he enlisted in the Marine Corps where he received a battlefield commission and was wounded and highly decorated for valor at Guadalcanal.
Robert Ryan was a U. S. Marine who served with the O. S. S. in Yugoslavia.
Tyrone Power (an established movie star when Pearl Harbor was bombed) joined the U.S. Marines, was a pilot flying supplies into, and wounded Marines out of, Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
Audie Murphy, little 5'5" tall 110 pound guy from Texas who played cowboy parts?
Most Decorated serviceman of W.W.II and earned: Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, 2 Silver Star Medals, Legion of Merit, 2 Bronze Star Medals with "V", 2 Purple Hearts, U.S. Army Outstanding Civilian Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, 2 Distinguished Unit Emblems, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with One Silver Star, Four Bronze Service Stars (representing nine campaigns) and one Bronze Arrowhead (representing assault landing at Sicily and Southern France) World War II Victory Medal Army of Occupation Medal with Germany Clasp, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Marksman Badge with Rifle Bar, Expert Badge with Bayonet Bar, French Fourragere in Colors of the Croix de Guerre, French Legion of Honor, Grade of Chevalier, French Croix de Guerre With Silver Star, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, Medal of
Liberated France, Belgian Croix de Guerre 1940 Palm.
So how do you feel the real heroes of the silver screen acted when compared to the hollywonks today who spray out anti-American drivel as they bite the hand that feeds them? Can you imagine these stars of yesteryear saying they hate our flag, making antiwar speeches, marching in anti-American parades and saying they hate our president?

(except my own. I actually think my feet are very nice-looking), this picture is extremely disturbing.
It's on BYU's website and even though I keep selecting a different one, it keeps going back to this one.
I feel gross every time I see it.
How could someone pose for a picture like that?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How Much Would You Pay?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Building the Barricade
1. Put Your iTunes/Windows Media Player/ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal or blog or whatever.
1) If someone says, "Is this okay?" you say: Be Thou My Vision (piano by David Nevue) - {I'm sure I often answer in random phrases that have nothing to do with the question. That sounds like me.}
2) How would you describe yourself? Moonlight (Sting on the Sabrina Soundtrack) - {have I told you how much I love that movie?}
3) What do you like in a girl/guy? Smile (Lonestar) - {and that's true, very true}
4) How do you feel today? Sunday Sky (Bernward Koch) - {not sure what that's supposed to mean...}
5) What is your life's purpose? Little Lotte / The Mirror / Angel of Music (Phantom of the Opera) - {hmm... sounds deep. any thoughts?}
6) What is your motto? Me and Mrs Jones (Michael Buble) - {please don't think about that one too much. I'm trying not to.}
7) What do your friends think of you? Walking on the Moon (Sting) - {I'm... spacey?}
8) What do you think of your parents? Only You (Joshua Radin) - {separation issues?}
9) What do you think about very often? Lost (Michael Buble) - {not the show, I'm sure. I've never seen it and really don't want to. Maybe there's some deeper meaning here...}
10) What is 2+2? You Take My Breath Away (Sarah Brightman) - {sure.}
11) What do you think of your best friend? Headed in the Right Direction (india.arie) - {that's positive.}
12) What do you think of the person you like? Be My Baby Tonight (John Michael Montgomery) - {the fates are messin' with my shuffle.*}
13) What is your life story? Tritsch Tratsch Polka (Strauss) -{ see here ... I really don't gossip though, do I? Really?}
14) What do you want to be when you grow up? On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada / Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Evita) - {a slut who makes her way to first-lady? I don't think so.}
15) What do you think of when you see the person you like? High Flying, Adored (Evita) - {good heavens.*}
16) What will you dance to at your wedding? Scene: In the Library / Scene: Mary's Room (The Secret Garden) - {oh please!}
17) What will they play at your funeral? Ole, Ole, Ole (Ricky Martin) - {par-tay!}
18) What is your hobby/interest? Doing it All for My Baby (Huey Lewis) - {'xceptin' I don't have a baby...}
19) What is your biggest fear? Silent Night (Mariah Carey) - {I don't think I'm still scared of the dark... well, maybe sometimes.}
20) What is your biggest secret? Na Laetha Geal M'oige (Enya) - {so secret I can't tell you in English}
21) What do you think of your friends? Solitude (Duke Ellington and his Orchestra) - {I don't even know...}
22) What song would you play during your first kiss? Old Guitars (Bacon Brothers) - {haven't heard this song either so I don't know what it says, but the title doesn't seem very romantic.}
23) What will you post this as? Building the Barricade (Les Miserables)
*right now, there's no one I even slightly like, but if this is really how I'll feel about them, wow! - maybe too much?
What to Blog, What to Blog...
Over the weekend I re-watched some of my favorite dances from past Dancing with the Stars episodes.
I'm surprised that my pick is still on! He's in the final four! I'm kind of surprised but hope that he keeps getting better and better and wins!
Anyway, check out his awesome Salsa from two weeks ago.
He deserves to win - he's come so far!
I mean, he's a cowboy! A cowboy who's way out of his element here.
Well, watch and enjoy!
Friday, May 8, 2009

I did that.
Then when walking back through the same aisle my arm slammed into a shelf at almost the same exact spot that the passing-without-acknowledging took place.
I figure it was deserved for being rude.

Still so tired.
And while I'm at it,
WHY?! would you have a frozen yogurt machine if 99.3% of the time it's out of order?

And yes, you heard that right. I was prepared to lose a point for frozen yogurt. I'm tired.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wow. I'm Amazing.

In case you were wondering, I'm also typing this with the same pen in my hand, in position to be written with.