My 29th
(*gasp!*) birthday began by driving home at midnight from Provo after being on a bus for almost 12 hours coming back from Denver
(we got caught in a snowstorm for part of the way, but a midnight arrival time was a lot better than the ETA of 3 or 4 am the driver gave us at one point) - more on Denver later.
So, this is kind of how my day went:
1 am: After arriving home, the dogs moved into position for the first time since I left on Saturday morning (Max's position isn't normally my bed. He never sleeps on it, but he will climb up on it occasionally. He hasn't done it for a really long time, so I'm guessing this was his way of telling me he missed me. :).

7 am: Woken up by my dad who was leaving for work and wanted to say 'welcome home' and 'happy birthday.' Not a bad way to be woken up. (:
8 am: When I woke up, they kept me company until I was ready to start moving.

8:15: I enjoyed the changing leaves outside my window.
Had mixed feelings about the light snow fall all morning.

10:00 am: Attended a session @ the temple.

12:30: Met my mom, sister, & sister-in-law for lunch at Olive Garden.
Who wouldn't enjoy lunch sitting across from a face like this?

2:30 - 4:50 - Homework
(still not done with everything that needs to be done for tomorrow)5:00 pm: Went running with both dogs. In my winter running getup.

Notice the candy-striped gloves.
A gift from a friend some years ago.
I'm so glad I have them!
not picture above - Ear warmers. I got them for free at the conference. LOVE them. I've never paid for ear warmers, but I've gotten a couple through different events. Totally worth it if you run outside in the winter.

6:00 pm: Got a haircut. Yup.
Not really sure why, but I really wanted a change. Call it
backlash if you will. Call it that, because it's quite possible that's what it was.
See the evidence:

(have I mentioned lately how much I dislike having my picture taken? Also, please ignore the lines and bags under my eyes. Remember Denver...)8:30 pm: Attended a fireside with the associate director of the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir speaking.
Beautiful flowers from my nephew Guy
(and his mom), and my mom.

Beautiful flowers from my sweet friend Bethany who had them delivered to my home this afternoon. I don't believe that's ever happened to me before. I feel so grown up! (:

Throughout the day: Heard from a lot of people - family and friends - wishing me a happy birthday. Got sung to by my dad, my friend, my sister and her family, and my other friend. Good times.
It was a good day.
Here's to another good year.