Thursday, November 13, 2014
Bed Makover
Friday, October 24, 2014
Visiting Veterans - Part Two (and sad news)
- being called "ma'am" many many times within a 60-minute period
- getting a chance to thank some of them for their service
- being thanked for thanking them for their service {often in the form of - "thank you for saying that."}
- the man from before, "Mike", who just loved Max the first time getting really excited to see him again in the hallway
- Mike telling us how it makes such a big difference when he sees Max - it relaxes him and he's nicer to people after the visit
- Max just being awesome again. I have a friend at work that I saw today and when I told her I went back last night the remainder of our conversation went like this - "and?" "they loved Max." "not surprised." (and she's not a dog person. I swear, this dog is magical.) (:
It was another nice visit.
And now for the sad news.
I was told on the way to the visit by Nancy (a mentor from TAU has come with me both times to get things settled and figured out) that after last night I wouldn't be able to go back because the staff didn't have anyone that they could keep in the room with me while I was there. I admit - I cried a little after hearing that. I have loved being there. I've said this before, but the big reason I wanted to get Max and I registered with TAU was so that I could work with veterans. I've specifically wanted to work with those struggling with PTSD and other psychiatric issues.
Nancy said that they've already done a site assessment another location for visiting veterans and that I can start there as soon as I want to basically. They'll have someone on staff with me all the time too. We swung over there and saw a few residents in a common area and visited for a bit. It'll be nice to visit there, but I really will miss the hospital even though I've only been there twice.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Visiting Veterans
Saturday afternoon Max and I went to visit veterans.
I was a little nervous about the visit, but mostly excited. I had been to the facility before, so I was familiar with the setup, and I knew we would be visiting in the TV room so that it was completely optional for the guys to come in and join us or avoid us completely.
While we were there we saw about 8-10 men. One of them stayed the whole time.
Here are some of things I want to remember -
- we walked in and immediately a guy came up and wanted to pet Max, and then asked if he could bring him some water. I carry water around with me whenever we go on these visits, but I remembered from the class I took from TAU that some of the people you visit really want a chance to take care of/help/nurture something/someone. I told him that would be great. When he brought the water to Max I was so glad that Max decided he was thirsty. (:
- once we got set up in the room, Max was invited onto the couch. I put his blanket on there so he'd know he was allowed (he's not allowed on the furniture at home) and he settled in between two guys (one of them was the man who stayed the whole time, we'll call him Mike).
- occasionally I'd get Max off the couch and he'd spend some time with some other guys who had come in to visit.
- Max got called "Boss" by an older gentleman that was there.
- near the end of the visit, Max was on the couch by the Mike and decided to really settle in and get himself comfortable so he put his head on the Mike's lap. I love it when he physically connects with people like that.
- one other man we met started crying when he was telling us (Nancy, a mentor with TAU, was with me since it's a new location for volunteers) about two dogs that he had had to put down recently.
- throughout the visit the water bowl got moved aside and then different men would take turns taking it and offering it to Max again - just wanting to make sure he had enough.
It really was such a great visit. I loved it. I loved it more than I thought I would. And I think Max enjoyed it too. Of course, if I got a full-body massage every time I went to work (like he does) I think I'd really love it too. (:
We're going back tomorrow (there's some schedule shuffling happening but since I won't be able to go this Saturday we shifted it to Thursday), and I'm so glad this is going to be a regular thing!
Here's Max after the visit.
He always gets exhausted after visits like that. It can't be easy being so charming and lovable all the time. (:
And here's the background info that I was going to post before. If you're interested...
Some background because I can't remember if I've really talked about this on here (But I don't feel like looking back at old posts right now).
A quiz and orientation with volunteer services, a few emails back and forth with my contact, a tour of the place I would be visiting, a visit with the nurse manager there (all of this taking place over 3 weeks or so), and I was good to go. Long process, but looking at our first visit, I can say that it was definitely worth it!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Bad Dog and Good People
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my bad dog with Susan. |
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Big News!
Friday, September 5, 2014
So Glad!
So glad that I had a love affair with running yesterday. So glad mostly because today was not wonderful. It wasn't horrible, but it was hard. Even the promise of listening to the next exciting part of my audio book wasn't a super motivation to get me on.
Don't get me wrong, it worked, but it was most definitely not a love affair this time around. So I'm glad I experienced yesterday. I'm glad because I know that means that there will be days that I absolutely love it. I'm also glad that I experienced today. I'm glad because I know there will be days when the last thing I want to do is get on a treadmill. But even if I walk more uphill more than I run downhill, it'll still be making me stronger.
My muscles are sore.
And I'm exhausted.
That's all.
Guess What!
The point is - it felt good.
It felt good to push myself in a way that I hadn't for a really long time.
It felt good to do something that I didn't think I was capable of doing (running a mile without stopping - albeit on a treadmill set on a decline).
It felt good to feel my muscles straining with the movement.
It felt good to *need* a cool drink of water after.
It felt good to have a reason to lie down and take a minute to cool off.
It felt good to feel my leg muscles shake when I was walking down a few stairs after.
It felt good to feel my abs ache when I sat up (running downhill is a really good workout for the core - that's one reason I use to justify my running downhill, I'm strengthening my core.).
It felt good to run.
And I must say that afterward I felt no inclination to stuff my face with cookies and cupcakes. And that was the big reason I made myself get on the treadmill yesterday. When I did WW the first time and lost 30 lbs. I was on the treadmill almost every day. I don't think exercise is the biggest factor in weight loss. I think it's much more about what you're eating and how much of it you're eating. But for me, exercise gets in my head and when I'm expending that much effort to be healthy, I don't want to blow it all on candy and dessert. And if last night is any indication, this should work for me again.
Here's hoping.
And here's to running.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Anyway, I think I need to start running again.
Yep - *need.*
I realized last night as I was spooning ice cream into my mouth that being a member of weight watchers this time around hasn't been as much in my head as it was the first time when things went really well.
While I don't think running (or exercise in general) is the secret to losing weight (apparently weight loss is 80% food 20% activity... and yes, I'm quoting hearsay statistics, take it as you will), I have decided that running is what gets me in the weight loss mode. If I'm going to make myself run, I'm not going to then ruin it by eating half a pizza.
It's a mental game.
I love that on WW you track activity too. Those things do count.
But I also loved earning activity points and then not using them. It got in my head. It helped me believe that I really was in control of everything I was putting in my body and that what I chose to earn or not earn and eat or not eat made a tangible difference in how healthy I was.
So here goes.
I'm going to go home today and get on the treadmill.
And because that statement is now on the internet it has to be true, right?
And if I put it on wikipedia that would really seal the deal.
But it was true anyway because last night while I was trying to fall asleep I gave myself a talking to. And it went something like this -
"You have to start running."
"Okay. Fine."
You heard it here first.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Yearly Stress
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
I mentioned that the older and singler I get the more I feel like I should venture out more on my own since I can't plan on a built in companion. But I'm worried that if I ever did travel somewhere alone that I would just hunker down in my hotel because I was too scared to go anywhere. Don't laugh. I've seen "Taken." I know what can happen.
She mentioned similar fears of her own and how being able to share the experience makes it more enjoyable than going alone - even if you aren't hiding in the closet of your hotel room. So we made a pact. I started it with 10 years. As in - "let's say that if neither of us has gone to Italy in 10 years, we'll go." She said that was too long. I adjusted it to 5, she countered with 2.
So there you have it.
It's a pact.
Through email.
Which means it has to happen.
I'm thinking we may want to try a domestic trip first to make sure that we actually like each other in person as much as we seem to through email. (:
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Grandma is Merving
G: Oh yes! And I'm merving...
Me: ...?... what?
G: Merv- no, uhhhh, merving... no...
(by now we're both laughing)
Me: Nervous?
G: chuckles No...
Me: Murdering?
G: laughs No...
Me: Okay, I'm out.
G: Oh! looking very sure of herself -- MERVING!
Me: That's still not a word Grandma. But I love how sure you were! (as my sister said when I was telling her this story - points for confidence, for sure)
G: Oh, well... I don't know.
I tried to bring my mom in on the conversation and see if she knew - she can be a really good guesser when it comes to Grandma-isms - but she was lost too. And by then Grandma probably forgot what she was going to say anyway.
She's 89 years old. She'll be 90 in December. I just wanted to write this down before I forgot it because I thought it was so cute and so funny and shows that even though she gets frustrated with herself for forgetting words (in her third language!!!), she has a great sense of humor about it and doesn't let it make her unpleasant or unhappy.
She really is probably the sweetest and nicest person I know.
Here she is (with a fluffy Belle) when she was still living next door walking back home after dinner. One day I randomly picked Belle up and put her on the walker. Belle didn't seem to mind, and Grandma loved that she was pushing Belle. After one or two more times Belle started waiting at the bottom of the steps to be picked up and put on.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Puppy Playtime
Anyway, today my friend's one year old (or almost one year old) goldendoodle (same breed as my Max) came over and they played. For five hours. I think they were both pretty exhausted by the time Atlas went home. Belle was exhausted too, but only because she wore herself out barking at Atlas. She barked so much that I went hoarse from yelling at her. I mean - YELLING. I mean - I can't remember the last time I have yelled like this. Maybe at a BYU football game. Maybe. (She did eventually stop the incessant barking and brought it down to an occasional bark - just so I'd know she was still unhappy about the situation. Rotten little thing.)
Anyway, I decided to grab my nice camera for the first time since Christmas and take some better-than-iPhone pictures. Since they were moving so fast, my iPhone pictures would come out fuzzy a lot.
Belle pouted and tried to pretend Atlas wasn't there. |
Cute dogs! Fun day.
So, It's Been a While...
I'm way past the years of even thinking of apologizing for not blogging. Mostly because nobody cares, so there's nobody to apologize to. (:
Looking back at my last post... yikes. I did it all wrong.
I want to form those habits. Habits take a while (again - "awhile"?) to form. It would have been fine if I had outlined a timing for when I was planning on incorporating these habits - one. by. one. Not eleven by eleven.
This is my way of saying I burned myself out and by myself out quickly.
So I'll be revising, replanning, rethinking, and then starting again.
No worries.
Also, I'm going to think of goals, not just habits, that I want to reach this year.
Stay tuned.
If you want to. (:
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Another New Year
I don't think I posted any of my goals last year (a quick look back reveals that I am correct in that thinking) and honestly can't remember if I really ever set any.
So now, because I started setting them on Sunday, and starting tracking them that same day, I figured I'd list them out here.
According to the SMART goals thing, goals need to be:
Timely (given a time-fram)
According to the top 10 steps to set and achieve your goals, goals need to be:
Consistent w/ your values
According to something else that I read that I can't find right now, most of what I have chosen to focus on this year is more habit-forming rather than goal setting/achieving.
Here's what I want to do this year -
- Don't watch more than an hour of TV/one movie a day
With a netflix account (I finally grew up and got my own instead of freeloading off my sister's), I have experienced how scary easy it is to go from one episode to another andanotherandanother until the whole evening is gone and I did nothing more productive than... well, nothing. There is really nothing redeemably productive about those occasions.
Thus the limit.
The one caveat is that I can watch more than that if I'm doing something productive (i.e. cleaning, crocheting, etc). Although during those times I would probably be better served listening to music or audio books or something.
- Read scriptures 15 minutes a day
Inspired by my sister, I've really got to get back in the habit of regular reading.
- Pray
Similar to the above. I haven't made this a regular part of my day. That needs to change.
- Meditate/do yoga
I found a sweet app for my phone that guides me through meditation. I also have a pocket yoga app which is pretty sweet too. Every time I end the day with meditation, I fall asleep very easily. That keeps me motivated to meditate. (:
Here's an article on meditation. If you don't look at all of it, make sure you check out the 'how meditation affects you' section. Very interesting.
- Exercise 15 minutes a day
Okay, nothing earth-shattering by any means, but if it means I'm doing something active each day - even if it's not a whole lot - it's better than nothing.
- Walk dogs four times a week
The poor pups don't get out very much in the winter. But that was actually what I had in mind when I bought fuzzy boots. Yeah, it's bitterly cold some days, but if I bundle up enough, I can survive a quick - or slightly longer than quick - walk. And mixed in the bitterly cold we get some beautiful days that I need to make sure I take advantage of (yesterday, almost 50 degrees!).
- Do service once a week
Just trying to train myself to look regularly for opportunities to help others.
- Go to temple twice a month
Outside of my temple shift when I work in the baptistry once a week, I haven't been to a regular session for a very long time. I figured twice a month isn't too much to try for.
- Post on wordpress picture blog daily
I just started this blog today and decided to try a different format (after first checking to make sure that wordpress had apps for iphone - makes posting so much easier!). I'm hoping to post one picture a day. Go check out my first picture (posted today, so there will be a second picture posted today too). (:
- Do something social once a month
Okay, again, nothing earth-shattering, but I am not the most social creature. I figure if I want to get married (which I do... I think... most days anyway) then I'm going to have to be social in order to meet someone. So here goes...
- Do something that scares me once a month
This is maybe the one that I'm the most excited about (though I'm looking forward to each of these). Inspired by Walter Mitty, I want to do more, experience more, be more. I'm starting this month with quitting my job and starting a new one. Both things which scare me, but I'm looking forward to. If you have any ideas for me, let me know. I want to put a list together so that I can plan ahead and not have to frantically look for something that scares me on the last day of the month and end up doing something stupid. Something like... streaking... or something... (:
With help from the habit list app, hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of these!