Monday, February 2, 2009

A Few Close Calls

All right, day 4 of my "no refined sugar" resolve.

Saturday my sister had another baby shower and there were some wonderful-looking treats on the table. I say "wonderful-looking" because, that's right, I didn't have any of them. I helped myself to some wonderful pineapple and watermelon. There were these cinnamon bun type-things (I love cinnamon rolls) and I was very, very close to opening the bag of leftovers and helping myself to one when I realized, "I'm on day two of this thing. That's way too soon to cheat." So I didn't.

Yesterday I was making cookies for my ward's break-the-fast after church. Chocolate Chip. Good chocolate chip cookies. I didn't touch the dough (I really like dough...) nor did I have any of the cookies. I baked 6 dozen, still had some dough left, so I stuck it in the freezer. Maybe that will be my reward for completing the challenge. I figured it would be less tempting to me if it was frozen. You can't eat frozen dough, right? (please don't proceed to tell me of how wonderful frozen cookie dough is. work with me, people!)

Good news is - I've dropped 3 pounds since my last weigh-in a week ago.

Yay for that!

1 comment:

Deja said...

Congrats! Refusing sweets is HARD, but so rewarding.