Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Green Rectangles

I have a wonderful Relief Society President. She's helpful, friendly, funny, and so, so happy. She's great.

About a week and a half ago I was talking to her and telling her some random stuff that was going on in my life. It had been snowing heavily all day and I mentioned that I needed to go to the credit union to withdraw money for rent (I ran out of checks... oops.) and was trying to decide who to call up to plead, beg, coerce, or bribe into coming with me so they could stay in the car while I ran up to the ATM (on campus) so I didn't have to worry about finding a parking spot.

She said that she would be open to a bribe.

I asked her what kind.

She said something rectangular and green.

My response?


And I was serious.

I think that's very telling of what my bank account is looking like these days.

She was kind enough to go with me despite my being a terrible guesser.

The next day, as a thank you -

The end.


kathy w. said...

Ha! I am laughing so hard. Out loud. In a very quiet place. People are looking.

faith said...

is it telling that i had no idea what she was wanting? i thought green jell-o was a great idea. i still didn't get that it was money after i saw the picture. i kept thinking, "does she really like mint brownies, or something? but those are barely green..."

i'm blaming it on pregnancy dementia.

Rebecca said...

Hahaha! You're right, I did like this! I'm glad to have this all documented. And the jello was delicious, fyi....I'm only excepting those bribes evermore. It is the superior green rectangle!

Bethany said...

Very funny! I didn't get it at first either, even though you were headed to the ATM. (How cheap am I?) I just hope the dollar was in a ziploc plastic bag.

eden said...

it was actually wrapped up in plastic wrap but a zip lock bag would have been even better. next time...

Deja said...

Very clever, Eddie. No wonder you scored so high on the gre. When will you tell us the story?