I came across someone's blog listing 30 things they'd like to do before they turn 30. I thought it was a good idea, and since the time-frame is relevant to me
(28 next month!), I thought I'd create my own.
Here goes:
(in no particular order)1 - run another marathon
(and complete it in under 6 hours - so run a second or third if that's what it takes to make the time goal)2 - run another half marathon
3 - hike Mt. Timp.
4 - go on a Mediterranean cruise
5 - live abroad for a little while
6 - finish my Master's degree
7 - de-junk everything in my room
(closet, drawers, etc.)8 - find a place to do service regularly
(or multiple places)9 - fall in love*
10 - lose any and all extra weight that i am currently carrying
11 - keep said weight off
12 - go paragliding or hang gliding
(or both!)13 - read Les Mis
(all of it this time)14 - see Victoria Falls
15 - try skiing
16 - try snowboarding
17 - finish the blanket that I started almost a year ago
18 - find a job
(after graduating)19 - get a bike
(and use it... by participating in a bike race)20 - learn Spanish
21 - visit my relatives in Mexico
22 - re-learn to ride a motorcycle and take myself through the canyon, Park City to Provo
23 - actually use my SCUBA certification somewhere other than the Midway crater
24 - retain my HIV/AIDS instructor certification by teaching the required 1 class a year
25 - have my first kiss*
(nope, that's not a mistype - in case you were wondering)26 - settle into my own place
(after graduation)27 - take a dance class
(ballroom perhaps?)28 - use my sewing machine for the second time
(more would be good too)29 - make myself a cute dress
(if I don't do that the second time I use the machine, I guess that guarantees a third usage)30 - have an "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" marathon party with former roommates as we've discussed a few times
*perhaps these were silly to set as goals. i'm trying to think of other things i'd like to do and since this list was created spur-of-the-moment, i feel like i have a right to swap out any and everything that i want to swap out. until 1 jan. 2010. by then, i figure the list should be stable or i'll have no hope of completion. let me know if you have any suggestions for things to add!
The reason most goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.
- Robert McKain
If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do and how to do it.
- Abraham Lincoln
The common conception is that motivation leads to action, but the reverse is true - action precedes motivation. You have to "prime the pump" and get the juice flowing, which motivates you to work on your goals. Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day.
- Robert McKain